
6.25 정전 60주년 캐나다 총리 추모사

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최종수정 : 2013-07-29 11:00

<편집자주> 스티븐 하퍼(Harper) 캐나다 총리는 지난 27일 6.25 정전 60주년을 맞이해 참전용사를 위한 추모사를 발표했다. 아래는 전문.

“Today, we honour Canada’s Korean War Veterans and their brave fight to defend the Republic of Korea and uphold freedom, democracy and the rule of law during one of the most significant armed conflicts of the 20th century.

“The Korean War was one of the most challenging chapters in our nation’s proud military history. From 1950 to 1953, more than 26,000 Canadians served in Korea. After active fighting ended with the signing of the Korea Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953, approximately 7,000 Canadians continued to serve until the end of 1955 in order to deter further aggression, with some Canadian troops remaining until 1957. In proportion to its population, Canada’s contribution of troops was one of the largest of the international force. In total, 516 Canadians gave their lives during the Korean War.

“In honour of the 60th anniversary of the Armistice, the Government of Canada is proud to have designated 2013 as the Year of the Korean War Veteran in recognition of the tremendous sacrifices and achievements of those brave Canadians who fought on the Korean peninsula. We are also proud to have designated July 27 a new national day of honour, and to have unveiled a new monument in Korea to recognize the service and sacrifices of Canada’s Korean War Veterans.

“Let us never forget those who served Canada with pride, nor the men and women who continue to serve our country today."

밴쿠버 조선일보가 인터넷 서비스를 통해 제공하는 기사의 저작권과 판권은 밴쿠버 조선일보사의 소유며 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 허가없이 전재, 복사, 출판, 인터넷 및 데이터 베이스를 비롯한 각종 정보 서비스 등에 사용하는 것을 금지합니다.

이제 신문도 이메일로 받아 보세요! 매일 업데이트 되는 뉴스와 정보, 그리고
한인 사회의 각종 소식들을 편리하게 받아 보실 수 있습니다. 지금 신청하세요.

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